5 Reasons Every Woman Should Train BJJ

a woman training for self-defense

There are many, many different styles of martial arts in the world. From karate to kung fu to tai chi and fencing, every style will offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. One of the absolute best out there is Jiu-Jitsu. With the most popular variant being its Brazilian form, Jiu-Jitsu is steadily growing in popularity because of just how practical and fun it is–especially for women and girls. Self-defense and BJJ classes for women have never been more popular. Here are some reasons you should consider training in a Jiu-Jitsu women's class!

BJJ is the Most Effective Self-Defense System

One thing that everybody has to understand is that different forms of martial arts have very different purposes. While you can gain essential skills and increase strength, stamina, and flexibility with nearly all forms of martial arts, not all of them should be used in real-life situations. For example, fencing is lots of fun–but when will you ever confront an actual attacker with a sword? Even learning a style like karate offers no guarantee that it can help you in an altercation.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for women, on the other hand, revolves around grappling–not punching or kicking. What you learn in a BJJ class is relevant to real-life self-protection. That is one of the reasons it is one of the most effective women's self-defense systems.

BJJ Does More to Overcome Size Disparities than Any Other Style

This means that women's Jiu-Jitsu has real-life applications that far outweigh what other martial arts styles offer. BJJ is one of the absolute best martial arts for fighting against bigger, stronger opponents, which is why women's self-defense classes in Jiu-Jitsu can be so valuable. Of course, there always will be inherent disadvantages to facing off against an opponent who is bigger and stronger than you! But Jiu-Jitsu self-defense for girls will help every female get the skills they need to succeed in the event of a real-life attack. You will feel more secure everywhere you go.

BJJ Improves Confidence and Self-Esteem

Women who take Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes regularly report having higher confidence levels and more positive self-esteem. Exercise has long been proven to be good for mental health, so that does not hurt. But, more importantly, women and girls who practice Jiu-Jitsu have the regular opportunity to feel powerful. BJJ is designed to be used against those who are bigger and stronger, so you do not even have to be big or strong to get good at it. The kind of power women practitioners of Jiu-Jitsu feel is not artificial, fake, or manufactured by a corporation. Instead, it is the confidence that comes with the secure knowledge that you do know how to defend yourself with devastating effectiveness.

BJJ Gets you In Shape

No matter who you are or what you do, you should find regular exercise time. The benefits of a good exercise routine and a healthy diet are straightforward: you will feel better. You will have the mental and physical energy to push yourself. BJJ women have a safe but challenging environment where they can always get the exercise they need. Women's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers that mix of fun and challenge that results in precisely the kind of exercise routine you're looking for. The necessity in women's BJJ for strength, agility, flexibility, speed, and stamina will mean that you will be forced to grow in every conceivable way.

BJJ Fosters Lifelong Friendships

Women's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the best possible ways for you to form new, empowering connections with the other students in your women's self-defense class. These are women just like you–often having experienced similar trials and, thus, are looking for the same kinds of newfound skills. Together, women who practice Jiu-Jitsu grow stronger together: physically, mentally, and emotionally. The friendships you form will last for years. These women are who you want to surround yourself with: strong but seeking growth. The women's Jiu-Jitsu mat creates bonds like no other.


There are many different sources from which you can derive your self-defense capabilities, as well as your weekly exercise and your female friendships. But no other source offers all of it at once like women's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! The women's Jiu-Jitsu classes offered by Combat Arts S&C are some of the best you can find. Not only will we equip you with the women's only self-defense training you need, but we will also help you develop skills and connections that will last a lifetime. Stop by Combat Arts S&C to try out a free class and to see if women's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the martial art for you.


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